Tuesday, May 17, 2011

My Porfolio

"Bring the Boys Home" by Freda Payne with lyrics

This is the Vietnam as a whole this is what the men on the battle field saw. However this was this song of the year and that year. These were two songs banded during the Vietnam war because of the heart felt music. I have always loved these songs, yet big brother felt these songs were too disturbing to the people of color to hear these songs.In addition I am sure these song were not wide spread, many people are not to this day aware of the band. I still only hear her songs in all around town and the feeling of the neighbor hood was unrest. environment, not on the radio, so I guess they are still banded. That is crazy that the government has time to make sure you do not hear a certain song; as if those two songs will make a great difference. The legislators has spoken, and they do not care.

Band of Gold By Freda

Bring the boys Home by Freda Payne Songfacts

Agent Orange

The effect of Agent Orange No one has really explored the agent Orange idea.It appears that the government is waiting for everyone to die ,than no is responsibly. Those men just died to old age ans war problems.It is sad that America won't take care of the very people that keeps the home front safe.

Whats going on with our vets

Our Vet have served their country with their lives and what they get went they return home. No support system for them after they return home. Thousand are wondering around various cities, and people past the by as if the do not exist. People feel no problem with ignoring these men. Most of these are not even service connected, in addition many are sick, and no income.This is scary, because where dose the caring stop.http://www.nytimes.com/2009/07/17/health/views/17vets.html

Women who served in early wars

Women Soldiers
     I was not aware of the role women have played in the previous wars.  Usually are portrayed as either nurse or USO workers.  As time progress the women seem not be the ones on the front line. Someone want people to believe that women have not served before. I take my hat off to the women who does serve.  I know that is another job I would not want. I would become too homesick for my family. And I have nieces in this war,yet I  truly happy for those women who are willing to put her lives aside for their country.
      Iraq War

After reading this article, I was surprised to read of the deaths in Iraq. The interesting part was the people who were killed was administrators. They were not at the the firing line, they were just doing their daily jobs. My heart goes out to the families because their deaths were senseless. This would be a great reason to pull out of Iraq. Innocent people are killed everyday and we know nothing about it.Another forgotten war.


     Pakistani Army Cheif Warns U.S. on another Raid

The head of the Pakistan army Gen. Ashfaq Prevez Kayani appears to be extremely upset about the raid on Bin Laden. I was confused because Gen. Kayani is kicking people out of the country who worked in various duties. I do not understand because no one is after him. He is rallying up troops against the U.S. in hopes of having a force that can withstand a raid just in case. Gen. Kayani is preparing his people for war. The anger Gen. Kayani displayed was uncalled for. Bin Laden was on the the ten most wanted list. For that reason alone is justifying the raid. Why would the U.S. raid Pakistani, unless.......  

Budget Panel Eyes End to VA Care for 1.3 Million Vets

This is another way that red tape has consumed our vets. There is no reason for is because people know these people know that the vets served with their lives. So some need brownie points for the next election, and there we go.......lets see who it is for the benefit of the vets.

Committee Republicans, searching for ways to curb federahttp://search.mywebsearch.com/mywebsearch/GGmain.jhtml?pg=GGmain&action=click&searchfor=VA+Care+And+Eye+for+1.3+Million+Vets+Tom+Philpott+%7C+April+07%2C+2011The+House+Budget+Committee%2C+chaired+by+Rep.+Paul+Ryan+%28R-Wis.%29%2C+has+told+a+veterans%27+group+it+is+studying+a+plan+to+save+%246+billion+annually+in+VA+health+care+costs+by+cancelling+enrollment+of+any+veteran+who+doesn%27t+have+a+service-related+medical+condition+and+is+not+poor.&tpr=sc&n=77de36b4&ss=sub&st=kwd&ptb=pELSraRGWEVa25uZTdgSIw

    250,000 homeless veterans? Whats going  wrong with with the USA

  That was the question I was asking when talking to  Vietnam and WWII veterans at a VFW which is located in Richmond which also have female veterans. To find out how they felt was even more exaggerated than the number. I also took the time to discussed this issue in depth to some homeless who actually turn out to be real vets, I personally believed its a combination of multiple issue back in the Regan administration's you would think I'm saying that these homeless veterans as if they are to poor to afford to live, the majority suffer from either mental illness, drug / alcohol or both.

    The truth is Vets get lost in the system,  If these veterans don't have someone like a social worker, working with them, possibility they can end up just floating around the system for years. Now I know I mention the Regan administration it was just my opinion that it started there. Our economy bit the dust meaning that issue was killing the lower and middle class Americans, Yeah and I bet you thought President Obama started this? NO at that time during Regan administration they tossed millions of mentally ill out of hospital care and onto the street, combine all that with decreasing benefits for vets, you will have a  recipe for disaster.

     Now , it looks like the end for "free trade" for America and the world with the crashing of stock markets worldwide, things keep going in the direction were going, you and I may be homeless as well. but wait the united states is doing the same thing to our soldiers right now as we speak I don't blame the veteran or the active servicemen and women who join because they believe they are protecting our front I give them great honor and proud for what they stand for, but we as the people to really start writing our politicians and ask when are you going to correct the things wrong with the USA before helping other countries that don't want us there. What do you think?

   How about troops fighting all over the world!!

 A question was ask that could someone please explain how fighting in foreign countries results in more freedom in the states, or conversely, how we would loose our freedom if they weren't fighting overseas? I believe they are fighting for our security in Afghanistan, not our freedom. We only seem to get involved when there's resources (oil) at issue.  When genocide occurs in Africa, no one seems to care. Its like the ones in charge are closing there eyes hoping all blacks folks will kill each other off. Or, is it more an issue that most African countries don't have strong weapons to be much a threat against us, so their tyranny isn't a priority. So maybe its just me but don't we risk creating many more enemies with our actions overseas? Yes I think we are better off fighting enemies who would kill us and destroy our way of life, if they could. 9-11 was enough reality to let you see the reaction if the fight was on our soil.

    The basic issue here is that you have no basic for comparison. You have never seen what it is like a nation that is not free. And you have spent your entire life with others ensuring that you are safe and economically secure. No one really knows why we were in Iraq. There was no issue of national security, But my point is the military doesn't make those decisions, you should be writing your representatives about why we are in certain wars. Here's the deal, we send troops all over the world to fight tyranny, and yet we hear it from so call liberals "what proof?" We've learned from history that you don't wait for tyranny to come to your front door. That's exactly what we did in WWII. We wanted no part of that war so we were isolationist. Guess what happened? Yeah, the Japanese attacked us and we were caught off guard,

    We need to show support and thank our soldiers in any and every way we can especially those now serving, lets give the Korean and Vietnam vets the welcome they never received, they were totally forgotten..

  Its really my reason to say..How about troops fighting all over the world!

Give Honor to a great War hero

Today a Army Cpl. Frank Buckles will be laid to rest at the Arlington National Cemetery. It was said he was the last American dough boy of world war I. Buckles died February 27 at the age of 110. He will be buried with full military honors...WE THANK YOU..

"What's going on"

A Parkersburg veteran receives his purple heart for injuries he suffer during World War II, His name was Marvin Gainer who now 89 years of age, received the military decoration in the mail last week, nearly 68 years late. I question this because here's a man who serve our country and somewhat forgotten. Like many other service men and women, we  got to let them know that we appreciate there courage and time in something that they believe in, protecting and serving our country. I know a lot of us don't understand why we even have a war, but I realize somebody has got to protect our front. All country like Japan, Cuba, Germany, Russia including the United States is all about power. We have so many other things in this world we need to think about and do like saving this dying planted from destruction under our own hands. But hey it was a reality to me just to know we have people that are fighting for a better cause to save us all and our young children that will be asking the question I always ask. That was written by that great poet the immortal Marvin Gaye "Whats going on"


I honestly and truly would like to thank the men and women whom are serving, our great nation. Because the thought of waking up to bombs, killing randomly, scares the hell out of me. Being able to get up at any hour, and go anywhere you want is good enough for me,I am so grateful.

                                      Mrs. Willis

The War in Libya

I have been watching this news lately, I was under the impression the president was going to step down. So I thought the people had won, not so, the president stepped aside for his military police to take over. My first thought was, what good is that going to do for the people because the police belongs to the executive branch. This is the president's branch of government, so what would change for the people? Nothing, now the President is on T.V. saying his people love him and wants him to stay. He looked and sounded like a quack. I hope the people get what they want, prays are with them.

Service Men and women

I would like to take a moment to say Thank You, for your service to our great nation. I often think of how horrid it must be to wake up to bombings, gunfire and etc. I Thank You all because I can get anytime, and go to the store or whatever I want to do. As long as I am not hurting or destroying anything, my freedom feels good.  Many times people take the little things for granted, I have learn to enjoy my life to the fullest and take nothing for granted. I pray that send each one home safe.

Forgotten Soldiers

Questions I intend to ask a Vietnam Vet:
(1)   What was the reason you joined the service, and how long did you serve?
I joined the service because at that time many men were being drafted into the army and if I had to go in the service I figure it would be a branch of my choice so I chose the Marines
(2)    How intense was your training?
It was very intense the training at that time was for war.
(3)    What were your expectations while in service?
No matter what I wanted to make it back alive.
(4)    What was friendly fire to you?
Discrimination was still a factor more obvious then, than it is today, we were experience solders been accidentally being shot the majority was black but of course there was no proof at that time it was a cover up
(5)    What did you bring back with you?
Bad memories and a very change man speaking about me of course
(6)   Do you have medals?
Yes I have sixteen medals which includes two purple hearts, Silver Star, two bronze stars
(7)    Do you have any regrets? Do you suffer with PTSD?
I really don’t have any regrets, I have learn a lot about myself, this country we call America, and yes I suffer from PTSD which has been going on with me for over 20 years still under medical attention.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

I was a little girl, about ten years old. My Aunt spent the night with us and I will never forget that sunny day, that quickly became a horror day. We had just enjoyed a lovely breakfast; we were just having fun in the kitchen. Then the doorbell rang, there stood two tall, handsome men in marine uniforms. I noticed my aunt started crying, because the moment she saw the men. I was unaware of what was happening, but I knew it was not good. The officers came with the freighting news that her husband was killed in the war. The two marines tried to comfort her but she was truly to upset, you see doing the time of the Vietnam war so many young men lost their lives, as matter of fact it is a known fact that more men die in this war than WWI and WWII together, because the sad part is that these young men were straight out of high school. My brother was one of them, along with most of his classmates; these brave young men went to war fighting on unknown territory, thinking they were protecting people. These young men could not imagine the dangers that awaited them. Because there are unforeseen things that really put these men in harm’s way. Because at that time in Vietnam the Vietnamese children often times had bombs strapped to themselves. The soldiers did not think twice about the children, after all what kind of harm they could do. Unaware of the tactics of real combat, these young men quickly learned this was a mean, vicious war. The Black community lost so many young black men at that time and because of this, the community has not recovered to this day. Doing this war it, has been told that the Vietnam soldiers dropped fliers, to let the black men know this was not their fight. A black in the military, at that time was 13.5% of the total population. Today there are eight million three hundred thousand one hundred six still living.
I created this blog because there are so many homeless and disenchanted Vietnam vets whom are still lost from the time they were release from duty. Many of the marriages ended because, with illness that needed continue medical attention. Because theses vets came home where there was no assistance for them; others found themselves out of sync with the rest of the world. I have watched men from the WWI, WWII, and the Korean War receive praises and awards, and the men can't be thanked enough for them. However the U.S government viewed involvement in the Vietnam War for returning vets as shameful and too long. So there were no parades no awards, no congratulations as if this war never happen. When people talk of wars it is not Viet-Nam it is every other war. Maybe it was shame of legislators in condoning such a war. The first U.S military arrived in Vietnam beginning in 1950. U.S. involvement escalated in the early1960s.Troop levels tripling in 1961 and tripling in 1962. By no means am I making small of anyone whom served, because America does thank them. I just think it's time for the Viet-Nam vets get the parade and the thanks from American that is due do them. So for many vets today of the Vietnam War are still at war. 

I will miss you my buddy and I love you always

This  song  express my love for my friend and  how much I will deeply  miss her.
      I am sitting here doing my homework all weekend, and I got side tracked because; I am still mourning my best friend's recent death. So I am taking another moment to remember her, she was one of two friends I have in the world. Her pasting has been difficult for me because she was younger than me. She was a happy, Leo cub, and my thoughts will be of her everyday.  Her name was Tyress  Morton, with three children, we grew up in the same town. Then she came out here to Cally, ad I soon followed, without money or a plan, i arrived. I have never left Cally, this is my home, thanks to my friend. She was closer to me than my our blood sisters. I feel lose now and I have no friends. Sisters I heart ache everyday, yet my love goes on. I do miss you............